Rose (Kashmiri Gulab)
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Seller: Php Supplier

₹ 500
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Category Name: Flowers
Botanical Name: Rosa
Family: Rosaceae
Time of Planting: February, March, April / July ,August, September
Growth Rate: Fast
Plant Life Cycle: 2-3
Soil pH: 6.5 - 7.6
Cultural Practice Irrigation: Moderate
Cultural Practice Fertigation: N.P.K, Organic Fertilizer
Cultural Practice Pruning: Moderate
Uses of Plants Fruits & Flowers: Decoration, Ornamental, Worship
Uses of Plants Stem & Bark: -
Uses of Plants Roots & Leaves: -
Purpose of Plant: Plant Growth  report is Ok
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NameCategoryCausesCausing MonthPrevention
Two Spotted Mites Insect Tetranychus urticae, Gardenia spp. (Spider mites/Red Spider mites) - Cultural practices, Spray of proper insecticides
Caterpillar Insect Lozotaenia forsterana Spring Season Spray of proper Insecticide
Citrus psylla, Diaphornia citri Fungus Psyllidae : Hemiptera March, 1st Week of September Phosphamidon (0.025%) + Parathion (0.025%), Monocrotophos (0.025%)
Rust Fungus Tranzschelia discolor (Fungus) - Appropiate Fungicides, Cultural practices