Raat ki Rani
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Seller: Php Supplier

₹ 500
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Category Name: Flowers
Botanical Name: Cestrum noctumum
Family: Solanaceae
Time of Planting: February, March / July ,August, September
Growth Rate: Fast
Plant Life Cycle: 3 - 4
Soil pH: 6.5 - 7.5
Cultural Practice Irrigation: Moderate
Cultural Practice Fertigation: Organic, N-P-K
Cultural Practice Pruning: Needed
Uses of Plants Fruits & Flowers: Decoration, Perfumes, Essential Oil
Uses of Plants Stem & Bark: Decoration, Ornamental
Uses of Plants Roots & Leaves: -
Purpose of Plant: Ornamental, decoration, Medicinal
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NameCategoryCausesCausing MonthPrevention
Leaf Spot Fungus Cercospora jasminicola Mostly Every Season Spray Mancozeb (0.25 - 0.3%)
Rust Fungus Uromyces hobsoni Spring Season Endosulphan, Carbaryl, Diazinon
Wilt & stem Rot Fungus Phytophthora cryptogea Rainy Season Treat the soil with Captaf, Mancozeb, Metalaxyl
Collar and root rot Fungus Pellicularia filamentosa, P. rolfsii Spring Season, Rainy Season Soil fumigation and planting healthy seedlings are useful