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Seller: Php Supplier

₹ 500
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Category Name: Flowers
Botanical Name: Gardenia jasminoides
Family: Rubiaceae
Time of Planting: February - March / July ,August, September
Growth Rate: Fast
Plant Life Cycle: 5 - 7
Soil pH: 5.0 - 6.5
Cultural Practice Irrigation: Moderate
Cultural Practice Fertigation: Organic, N-P-K
Cultural Practice Pruning: Needed
Uses of Plants Fruits & Flowers: Decoration, Perfumes, Essential Oil
Uses of Plants Stem & Bark: Diabetes, Obeycity
Uses of Plants Roots & Leaves: Fever, Pain, Healing Wounds
Purpose of Plant: Medicinal, Ornamental, decoration
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NameCategoryCausesCausing MonthPrevention
Root rot Fungus Phytophthora species, Rhizoctonia species and Pythium species, Rainy Season Spray of Proper Fungicide, Cultural Practices
Powdery Miledew Fungus Erysiphe polygoni, Rainy Season Fungicide like Esmyclobutanil, thiophanate-methyl, chlorothalonil, propiconazole, triforine and horticultural oil with baking soda.
Stem Canker Fungus Phomopsis gardeniae Spring Season Spray of Proper Fungicide, Cultural Practices, 10% bleach solution or 70% alcohol between the cuts
Nematode Parasite Rownd worms Mostly Every Season Cultural Practice, Treatment of Soil
Root Rot Fungus Phytophthora species, Rhizoctonia species, and Pythium species Spring and Autumn Season Spraying of dinocap 0.05% or wettable sulphur 0.25 % / Triton-AE or Teepol or Sandovit